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Privacy Policy

Sibylla Biotech

This Privacy Policy is given by Sibylla Biotech S.p.A. (hereinafter “Sibylla Biotech”), with registered office in Piazzetta Chiavica, 2, 37121, Verona (VR) – Italy, in the capacity of Data Controller, pursuant to Article 13 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter “Regulation”).

In this Privacy Policy we shall outline the purposes and means by which Sibylla Biotech collects and processes your personal data; which categories of data are processed, which are the rights of the data subjects and how they can be exercised.


  1. Categories of personal data

Sibylla Biotech will process some of your personal data collected through the form found in the ” contact” section (hereinafter “Data”). For example, the company may acquire the following types of data:

  • first and last name;
  • place and date of birth;
  • contact details (telephone number, email);
  • address of residence or domicile.


  1. Purposes and lawful basis for processing personal data
  • For navigation on the Site

The data you provide will be processed by the Owner to allow you to navigate the Site and use the services specifically related to it. The provision of such data is necessary for the proper functioning of the Site.

  • For the provision of services required

The data voluntarily provided by the user will be processed by the Owner in order to provide the requested services, by means of, for example, the contact request form (art. 6, par. 1, lett. b of the GDPR). The data will therefore be processed for the execution of the legal relationship in place with the Owner and limited to the provision of services.


  1. Categories of subjects to whom personal data may be communicated and purposes of communication.

Sibylla Biotech may rely on third parties to carry out some activities concerning the processing of your personal data. For that purpose, Sibylla Biotech might communicate some of your Data to its administrative or logistics service providers; to external consultants or advisors; to bodies to which the communication is due under legal obligations, to Public Administrations, to credit institutions with which Sibylla Biotech operates for payment purposes, to insurance companies, to financial and/or factoring institutions. The aforementioned parties shall process your personal data on behalf of Sibylla Biotech, in the capacity of Data Processors or in the capacity of Data Controllers, in compliance with the provisions of the law.

You can ask for Sibylla Biotech’s list of Data Processors writing to contact@sibyllabiotech.it .

Please note that no form of Data dissemination to undetermined individuals is absolutely not provided.

  1. Data retention period

Sibylla Biotech will process your Data only for the necessary period of time to comply with the aforementioned purposes. Furthermore, your data will be retained for the following 10 years after the complete management of your reimbursement claim, solely to comply with legal obligations and to eventually safeguard Sibylla Biotech’s rights.


  1. Data transfer to countries outside the European Union

Your personal data will not be transferred outside the European Union.


  1. Data subjects rights

We inform you that, accordingly with the current legislation, you are entitle to:

  • ask and obtain information about whether or not Sibylla Biotech is holding any of your personal data or whether or not your personal data are being processed and in this case you may have access to them;
  • ask and obtain a copy of your personal data that are processed by automated means in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format; you can also claim the right to transmit those data to another controller;
  • ask and obtain the alteration and/or rectification of your personal data when you consider them to be inaccurate or incomplete;
  • ask and obtain the erasure – and/or a processing restriction – of your personal data whenever they are not necessary – or no longer necessary – to fulfil the purposes for which they were collected, hence upon expiry of the retention period.

You might exercise your rights by writing an email to contact@sibyllabiotech.it.

Finally, we inform you that you can lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority whenever your personal data are unlawfully processed.